姓 名: | 曾宪琳 | 性别: | 男 | 出生年月: | 1985.04 |
职 称: | 教授 | 职务: | 无 | 最高学历: | 博士 |
学科方向: | 模式识别与智能系统 | ||||
人才计划: | 国家级青年人才 | 办公地点: | 国防科技园6#812 | ||
电子邮件: | xianlin.zeng@bit.edu.cn | 联系方式: | 010-68917912 | ||
通讯地址: | 北京市海淀区中关村南大街5号bwin中国官方网站 | ||||
导师类型: | 博士生导师 |
2005.09-2009.07 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院 自动化专业 学士
2009.09-2011.07 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院 控制科学与工程系 硕士
2011.08-2015.08 美国德州理工大学 机械工程系 博士
2015.8-2017.08 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院 博士后
2017.08-2019.08 bwin必赢登录入口 bwin中国官方网站 博士后
2019.08-2022.08 bwin中国官方网站 预聘副教授、博士生导师
2022.08-至今 bwin中国官方网站 教授、博士生导师
1. 多智能体系统博弈与智能决策
2. 分布式优化与无人系统控制
1. “多智能体系统复杂非光滑优化问题的分布式光滑求解”,国家自然科学基金(面上项目),2021-2024,项目负责人
2.“可信可解释的人机共驾混合智能决策与在线评估”,科技创新 2030-“新一代人工智能”重大项目(子课题),2021-2024,子课题负责人
[1] Xia Jiang, Xianlin Zeng*, Lihua Xie, Jian Sun, Variance-reduced Shuffling Gradient Descent with Momentum for Finite-sum Minimization, IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol. 7, pp. 1700-1705, 2023.
[2] Zijun Cheng, Xianlin Zeng*, Hao Fang, Gang Wang, and Lihua Dou, Hierarchical MPC-based Motion Planning for Automated Vehicles in Parallel Autonomy, Unmanned Systems, https://doi.org/10.1142/S2301385024500286, 2023
[3] Yinghui Wang, Xianlin Zeng*, Wenxiao Zhao, and Yiguang Hong. A zeroth-order algorithm for distributed optimization with stochastic stripe observations. Sci. China Inf. Sci. 66, 199202 (2023).
[4] Jie Hou, Xianlin Zeng*, Gang Wang, Jian Sun, and Jie Chen, Distributed Momentum-based Frank-Wolfe Algorithm for Stochastic Optimization, IEEE/CAA JOURNAL OF AUTOMATICA SINICA, vol. 10, no. 3, 2023
[5] Xia Jiang, Xianlin Zeng*, Jian Sun, and Jie Chen, Distributed stochastic gradient tracking algorithm with variance reduction for non-convex optimization, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, DOI: 10.1109/TNNLS.2022.3170944
[6] Xia Jiang, Xianlin Zeng*, Jian Sun, Jie Chen, A fully distributed hybrid control framework for non-differentiable multi-agent optimization, IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, vol. 9, no. 10, pp. 1792-1800, October 2022.
[7] Xianlin Zeng, Jinlong Lei, and Jie Chen, Dynamical Primal-Dual Accelerated Method with Applications to Network Optimization, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Volume, 68, Issue 3, pp. 1760-1767, March 2023.
[8] Xianlin Zeng, Jie Chen, and Yiguang Hong, Distributed Optimization Design of Iterative Refinement Technique for Algebraic Riccati Equations, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 52, no. 5, pp. 2833-2847, May 2022.
[9] Xianlin Zeng, Jie Chen, and Yiguang Hong, Distributed Optimization Design for Computation of Algebraic Riccati Inequalities, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 1924-1935, 2022.
[10] 陈杰, 方浩*, 曾宪琳. 面向高危行业的无人平台智能化发展. 中国科学: 信息科学, 2021, 51(9): 1397-1410
[11] 邓文、李伟健、曾宪琳*、洪奕光,矩阵方程的分布式求解算法研究概述,控制理论与应用,2021,38(11):1695-1706
[12] 姜霞, 曾宪琳, 孙健*, 陈杰. 多飞行器的分布式优化研究现状与展望. 航空学报, 2021, 42(4): 524551-524551
[13] Xia Jiang, Xianlin Zeng*, Jian Sun and Jie Chen, Distributed hybrid impulsive algorithm with supervisory resetting for nonlinear optimization problems, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 31, no. 8, pp. 3230-3247, 2021.
[14] Wen Deng, Xianlin Zeng*, and Yiguang Hong, Distributed optimisation approach to least squares solution of Sylvester equations, IET Control Theory & Applications, vol. 14, no. 18, pp. 2968-2976, 2020.
[15] Xianlin Zeng, Jie Chen, Shu Liang, and Yiguang Hong, Generalized Nash equilibrium seeking strategy for distributed nonsmooth multi-cluster game, Automatica, vol. 103, 20-26, 2019.
[16] Xianlin Zeng, Shu Liang, Yiguang Hong, and Jie Chen, Distributed computation of linear matrix equations: An optimization perspective, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 64, no. 5, pp. 1858-1873, 2019.
[17] Xianlin Zeng, Peng Yi, Yiguang Hong, and Lihua Xie, Distributed continuous-time algorithms for nonsmooth extended monotropic optimization problems, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 56(6): 3973-3993, 2018.
[18] Xianlin Zeng, Peng Yi, and Yiguang Hong, Distributed continuous-time algorithm for constrained convex optimizations via nonsmooth analysis approach, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 62, no. 10, pp. 5227-5233, 2017.
[19] Xianlin Zeng, Hybrid Networked Control for Cyber-Physical Network Systems with Applications to Interconnected Power Grids, Texas Tech University, August 2015. (博士学位论文)
1. 孙健,姜霞,曾宪琳,陈杰,基于稀疏性和Burer-Monteiro分解的分布式图像分割方法,2021.04.01,发明专利,ZL202110358334.6
2. 曾宪琳; 成子君; 方浩; 窦丽华; 杨庆凯; 辛斌; 陈杰, 一种基于模型预测控制的人机共驾汽车的运动规划方法,2022-06-01,中国, CN202210772428.2
3. 曾宪琳; 王凯; 方浩; 陈仲瑶; 窦丽华; 杨庆凯; 辛斌; 陈杰, 一种基于BiLSTM-CRF模型的车辆变道意图预测的方法,2022-01-01,中国, CN202210058857.3.
4. 李逸萱; 曾宪琳; 方浩; 辛斌; 杨庆凯; 窦丽华; 陈杰, 基于一阶加速优化的零和博弈双网决策方法,2022-05-01,中国, CN202210594741.1.
1. 智能控制基础(本科课程)
2. 群体智能与博弈对抗基础(研究生课程)