姓 名: | 邵帅 | 性别: | 男 | 出生年月: | 1992.4.7 |
职 称: | 职务: | 最高学历: | 博士 | ||
学科方向: | 控制科学与工程 控制理论与控制工程 | ||||
人才计划: | 办公地点: | 6号楼903 | |||
电子邮件: | shaoshuai@bit.edu.cn | 联系方式: | 13161070940 | ||
通讯地址: | 北京市海淀区西三环北路甲2号院6号楼903 | ||||
导师类型: |
(1)2010-09 至 2014-07, 四川大学, 信息与计算科学, 学士
(2)2016-04 至 2018-03, 东京都立大学, 智能机械系统, 硕士
(3)2018-04 至 2021-09, 东京都立大学, 机械系统工学, 博士
(4)2021-12 至今,bwin必赢登录入口,bwin中国官方网站,博士后
1.l Shuai Shao, Naoyuki Kubota. "A Fuzzy Inference-Based Spiking Neural Network for Behavior Estimation in Elderly Health Care System". Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, vol 23, no. 3, 2019, pp. 528-535. Fuji Technology Press Ltd., doi:10.20965/jaciii.2019.p0528. Accessed 4 June 2019.
2.l Shuai Shao, Yamamoto Kouhei, Naoyuki Kubota. “An Elderly Monitoring System Based on Multiple Ultra-sensitive Vibration and Pneumatic Sensors”. Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, Vol25, no. 4, 2021
3.l Shuai Shao, Naoyuki Kubota, Kazutaka Hotta, Takuya Sawayama. “Behavior Estimation Based on Multiple Vibration Sensors for Elderly Monitoring Systems”. Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, Vol25, no. 4, 2021
4. Nan Shuo, Shuai Shao, Naoyuki Kubota, “An iBeacon-based Guide Robot System for Multi-lingual Service”, The 6th International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics (ICAM2015), Tokyo, Japan, 2015.
5.Shuai Shao, Nan Shuo, Takenori Oobo, and Naoyuki Kubota, “A P2P-Based iBeacon Indoor Positioning System”, In Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Industrial Application (ISCIIA2016), Beijing, China, November 3-6, 2016.
6. Shuai Shao, Noel Tay, Nan Shuo, Naoyuki Kubota, “Optimal Placement for Indoor Positioning and Monitoring System in Public Area”, The 16th International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics and the 14th International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition (ICMLC & ICWAPR 2017), Ningbo, China, July 9-12, 2017.
7. Shuai Shao, Nan Shuo, Naoyuki Kubota, “A Fuzzy Spiking Neural Network for Behavior Estimation by Multiple Environmental Sensors”, The 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2018), Miyazaki, Japan, Oct 7-10, 2018.
8. Shuai Shao, Nan Shuo, Naoyuki Kubota, “An Autocorrelation Neural Network for Behavior Estimation by High Precision Vibration Sensor”,第36回日本ロボット学会学術講演会,3D1-03,愛知県中部大学春日井キャンパス,September 4-7,2018
9. Nan Shuo, Shuai Shao, Naoyuki Kubota, "Physical Exercise with Entertainment Robotic Ball", Proc (CD-ROM) of The 8th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Industrial Applications (ISCIIA2018), Tengzhou, Shandong, China, November 2-6, 2018.
10. Shuai Shao, Nan Shuo, Naoyuki Kubota, "An iBeacon Indoor Positioning System based on Multi-sensor Fusion", 10th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 19th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS & ISIS 2018), Toyama, Japan, December 5-8,2018
11. Tomoyuki Arai, Yuichiro Toda, Mutsumi Iwasa, Shuai Shao, Ryuta Tonomura, Naoyuki Kubota, “Reinforcement Learning based on State Space Model using Growing Neural Gas for a Mobile Robot”, 10th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 19th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS & ISIS 2018), Toyama, Japan, December 5-8,2018
12. Shuai Shao, Jinsoek Woo, Kouhei Yamamoto, Naoyuki Kubota, “Elderly Health Care System Based on High Precision Vibration Sensor”, the International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics 2019, Kobe, Japan, July 7-10, 2019
13. Shuai Shao, Naoyuki Kubota, “A Fuzzy Spiking Neural Network with State Transition Diagram for Behavior Estimation in Elderly Health Care System”, IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society 2019, pp3087-3092, Bari, Italy, October 6-9, 2019
14. Shuai Shao, Naoyuki Kubota, Kazutaka Hotta, Takuya Sawayama, “Bathroom Monitoring System Based on High Precision Vibration Sensor”, The 6th International Workshop on Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics (IWACIII2019), Chengdu, China, Nov. 1-5, 2019
15. Kouhei Yamamoto, Shuai Shao, Naoyuki Kubota, "Heart Rate Measurement Using Air Pressure Sensor for Elderly Caring System", 2019 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), pp.1440-1444, Xiamen China, December 6-9, 2019.
16.Yamamoto, Kohei, Shuai Shao, and Naoyuki Kubota. "Development of a robot partner system to support the elderly based on sensor data." 2020 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE). IEEE, 2020.